As Administrator , he can perform most of administration jobs from UI but with SharePoint 2013 there are some changes required only PowerShell like Modify Search topology or Configure Request Management...
- Still you can use stsadm commands with SharePoint 2013
- To grant the users permission to run the commands grant them the following :
- Member of SharePoint Shell Access role
- Memeber of local security group (WSS_ADMIN_WPG)
- To get list of stsadm commands , run the following :
To get list of commands in SharePoint 2013 PowerShell , run the following :
To get list of commands with filtering , run the following to get commands for SPWeb only:
Get-Command -Noun SPWeb
To get list of commands start with , run the following :
Get-Command -Noun SPW*
To get help about the command , run the following and you can pass -Examples or -Full or -Details for more information :
Get-Help Get-SPWeb
To get the command object or objects wrap it with ()
(Get-SPSite http://sps2013).RootWeb.Lists | ForEach-Object {$_.Title}
You can dispose SPWeb or SPSite using for example $site.Dispose() or can use like using keyword in C# (wrapping the whole script) with Start-SPAssignment -Global and Stop-SPAssignment -Global
To Get Correlation ID from logs file , run the following :
Get-SPLogEvent | ?{$_.Correlation -eq "<ID>"}